It has been a long time dream of mine to do two things; one, create a compilation of images telling these stories to warrant a fine art book, and; two, to have the opportunity to produce a book of those images to share with others.
Life is carried forward by generations through story. Everyone has a story, a journey if you will.
Through the centuries times have changed. Cultures have changed. The heart of mankind however is still the same. What makes us the same is not just the story itself, but the way we connect to the story… the way we become kindred spirits with the story and how it drives us forward with resolve, with healing, with compassion, with reverence.
We all contribute to the stories of life in our own way… that’s what makes us unique, connecting ourselves with others we don’t even know… those that might not even be born yet. Maya Angelou penned the phrase “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. These images are not just my story. They are my grandfather’s story, your great-grandmother’s story, our story and most important our children’s children story.
The reason “American Stories” was chosen as the title is because I see my journey taking me to the past I can only imagine in my mind, the agonies and triumphs of those that came before me… and to record those places and that time through my Creator’s inspiration and my mind’s eye.
Blessings to you and thank you, Paul